
Registrations for the 2024/5 Track & Field Season are now open! 

  • Prior to registration, please ensure you have read and understand the Child Safe Policy. 
  • For detailed instructions on the registration process please click here
  • For anyone who participated in the 2023/4 Track & Field Season and/or the 2024 Cross Country Season you will register as a 'returning athlete/family'
  • The registration process requires payment to finalise, this is linked to PayPal
  • If you need any assistance, please contact 
  • Please note the system only accepts DOB entries that have fullstops seperating the numbers, it won't accept any other symbols.  Please enter DOBs as DD.MM.YYYY not DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY

By registering you agree that:

  • You have read and understood the Club Child Safe Policy
  • You give permission for the Club to arrange any emergency medical care in the event of an injury to your child in your absence
  • You agree to pay any costs incurred in treating your child
  • You are aware that you can follow the Club on Facebook and/or download the Team App to keep up to date on Club information