Club Guidelines And Info

1. Age groups

The age groups will be determined be the age of the athlete on the 31st of December. The age groups will start at Under 4 through to Veterans.

2. Club Coaches

Accreditation is encouraged to assist with the understanding of athletic events and the specific skills required. Coaching of all athletes is encouraged and ongoing; before, during and after competition. Accreditation courses are run yearly.

3. Championships

Club Championships will be held over two weeks, with ribbonspresented to all place getters.  Club Records can only be broken during Club Championships. 

4. Events

The events will run accordingly under AAU rules, but with some modifications made for minimum age athletes, and specific club requirements.

5. First Aid

Accredited first aiders - Coordinator, coaches and some parents.

6. Cancellations

Cancellation of any day will be avoided unless unforeseen circumstances arise. We operate under an inclement weather policy to make decisions on cancellations. 

7. Competition Points

Competition points will be awarded for all competition, including club championships. Points will be awarded for an aggregate season total, as well as for a combined handicap season total on applicable events.  

8. Safety

Safety aspects should be observed in all circumstances, especially in the throwing events. Parents should direct all children to remain behind designated cones, and be seated when possible.

9. Honesty

For a successful competition, parent helpers should encourage precise measuring and recording under all circumstances - for the benefits of all concerned.

10. Registrations

Athletes shall be registered in accordance with the registration costs adopted at the Annual General Meeting, and become a member of the Woady Yaloak Athletic Club. External competitions may incur further registrations and entry fees.
Dual registration with Wendouree Athletic Club and the Ballarat Little Athletics is promoted for all athletes.

11. Legal and Insurance

The Woady Yaloak Athletic Club Incorporated, is currently registered with Athletics Victoria and holds the appropriate Public Liabilty insurances. Personal Insurance is not provided for competing athletes.

12. Warm ups

Weekly warm ups and stretches will be conducted prior to competition. Please be early.
On going event training and information sessions will encourage event knowledge development for parents to successfully instruct and officiate during the season

14. Haddon Gift

The Haddon Gift will be run on the seasons end trophy night. This event will encourage athletes as well as parents to participate under handicap conditions over a 100m.  Due to numbers this is an invitational event.  The two athletes from each age group with the most improvement in their 100m times over the season will be invited to participate in this event. 

15. Runathon

The club Runathon will be conducted on a set night with sponsorship encouraged from all participants. Awards will be presented for sponsorship gained as well as distances covered. A structured set of activities will be provided for the younger age groups to compliment their efforts in the runathon.